Why are atmospheric and turbo boilers a thing of the past? Find out, why they are no longer allowed to be produced

Did you know that since 2014, traditional atmospheric and turbo boilers can no longer be manufactured or sold? These boilers, once common in many homes, have taken a back seat due to strict European regulations.

Author: VykureneAdmin

Tags: Uncategorized

6 min reading

4. September 2024

In this article, we look at the reasons that led to this change and why condensing boilers are now the only permitted option. Find out how the legislative changes have affected the heating equipment market and what this means for property owners.

What were traditional atmospheric and turbo boilers?

Atmospheric and turbo boilers were once standard in most homes that used gas for heating. Atmospheric boilers worked on the principle of natural draft, where the air needed for combustion was drawn from the room in which the boiler was installed. These boilers were simple to install and use, but had one major drawback – their efficiency was relatively low and much of the heat escaped up the chimney.

Turbo boilers, on the other hand, brought some technological innovation. The air needed for combustion was drawn in from outside, which improved safety and efficiency. However, even these boilers had their limitations, particularly in terms of energy efficiency and emissions. Although turbo boilers represented a step forward from atmospheric boilers, their technology was still not sufficiently advanced to meet the stringent environmental standards that were beginning to be enforced in the European Union.

Therefore, although atmospheric and turbo boilers served their purpose for many years, their time was coming to an end due to the technical and environmental challenges they could no longer meet.

Why are they no longer allowed to be produced?

  • Legislative requirements: Since 2014, there has been a ban on the manufacture and sale of atmospheric and turbo boilers in the EU due to strict eco-design standards.
  • Low efficiency: Atmospheric and turbo boilers had relatively low energy efficiency, which meant higher heating costs and higher emissions.
  • High emissions: These boilers produced significant emissions that contributed to air pollution and were unable to meet new environmental standards.
  • Safety risks: Atmospheric boilers that drew air from the room were prone to combustion gas backdraft, which posed a potential safety risk.
  • Transition to more modern technology: Condensing boilers offer greater efficiency and safety, making them the preferred choice for heating since 2014.

Why condensing boilers have replaced them

Condensing boilers have become the only permitted option on the market since 2014, and for good reason. The main working principle of condensing boilers is to use the heat from the combustion gases that would otherwise escape up the chimney. In this way, condensing boilers can achieve efficiency of upwards of 90%, which is significantly higher than older boiler types.

In addition to higher efficiency, condensing boilers also result in lower emissions of pollutants, which is a significant benefit for the environment. Condensing boilers operate at lower temperatures, allowing more efficient use of energy and reduced heating costs. In addition, these boilers are designed to be safer as the flue gases are vented directly out of the building, minimising the risk of gas backdraft.

The switch to condensing boilers is therefore a definite positive step, not only in terms of legislation, but also in terms of energy efficiency and safety. Condensing boilers represent a modern solution that meets stringent standards while providing energy savings and increased comfort for users.

What to do if you have an older boiler?

For owners of older atmospheric or turbo boilers, it is important to consider what will be best for their home. If your boiler is still working, you may be wondering whether you should consider replacing it or whether you can continue to use it. In such cases, it’s essential to take a few steps and consider the options available.

1. Assess the condition of the boiler

The first step is to check the condition of your current boiler. If it’s more than 15 years old, its efficiency may be significantly lower, which means higher energy costs and greater susceptibility to breakdowns.

2. Cost comparison

Consider whether the cost of repairing an older boiler is justified compared to investing in a new condensing boiler. Although the initial cost of a new boiler may be higher, the long-term savings on operating costs may be worth it.

3. Finding grants and financial support

Find out if there are grants or financial incentives available that may cover part of the cost of replacing the boiler. There are currently two subsidy programs available for a new condensing boiler.

4. Consultation with an expert

If you are not sure whether your boiler is still functional and safe, or if you are planning to replace it, it is important to consult a specialist. Vykurene.sk offers a team of experienced experts who can carry out a full inspection of your current boiler and advise you on the best option for replacement. Our experts will not only help you choose the right model, but also ensure that it is installed correctly according to current standards.

5.  Replacement planning

If you decide to replace your boiler, it is advisable to plan the process in advance to avoid unexpected heating outages, especially during the winter months. With professional support from Vykurene.sk, you can be sure that the replacement will go smoothly and efficiently.

How to get subsidies for boiler replacement?

  • One of the main programmes is ‘My New Boiler’, which provides a grant of up to 600 € to replace an old gas boiler with a modern condensing boiler. This programme is part of a wider effort to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions in households. The condition for receiving this subsidy is that the replacement must be part of a comprehensive renovation of the building, such as insulation or replacement of windows.
  • In addition, subsidies can also be used through the ‘Green Households’ programme, which supports the installation of new equipment, including biomass boilers and renewable energy sources. This programme offers more substantial financial incentives, up to 4 000 , but focuses primarily on renewable energy sources.

These subsidies can significantly reduce the costs associated with boiler replacement, making heating system upgrades more affordable for the wider community. For more information on the conditions and procedure for obtaining subsidies, contact the experts at Vykurene.sk, who can help you with all the steps needed to obtain financial support and at the same time arrange a professional boiler replacement.

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